Sunday, June 21, 2009

Breaking News: Graffiti in Champaign!

So it turns out that, despite violent gang wars that tear the Twin Cities of East-Central Illinois apart, graffiti isn't particularly ubiquitous around here. I did find a couple little bits that I found interesting though.

On your left, you'll notice a blurry image. That's my the camera on my phone, which explains it. The design was on the wall of a parking garage of one of the apartment buildings on 3rd Street, and is partly hard to analyze because it has been covered with some kind of paint-remover in the none-too-distant past. In person, it's a little easier to tell that it's a sort of shield design, with the lettes "L" and "J" forming the left and rights sides, respectively. My guess would be that it's a sort of personal logo: Initials and a particular design, meant to signify a certain person.

This one on the right is kinda hard to see. It's situated above a shop in downtown Champaign, and I ate shit falling off of the roof trying to get closer, so this is the best I could do. I'm pretty sure it says "AGN" in black and white. The building it's above is right between two streets, so I think the position above it was chosen to provide easy viewing. My guess is that the letters are either initials, or else quite possibly some sort of territorial marker/gang sign, but that could be a little bit of bias on my part.

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