Wednesday, June 17, 2009


As an answer to question two of Raquel's, I think you have to look at some of the stuff that's being done even just today. Forums like TV are critically acclaimed these days as being thoroughly thought-provoking and legitimate, when it was basically derided only a few years back as brain-mush. Even--especially--video games have made the same transition; there's games out now that are so complex, gorgeously designed, and incandescently creative that they're clearly a form of art.

Virtual reality is very like the video game. You're immersed fully into an alternate world, by use of technology. There'll probably be a period of adjustment, since it'll initially be used only by the people with money to exploit the VR system for entertainment and such, but eventually people will become familiar with it and create art.

I guess, in the end, the answer comes down to this: no media is truly all art, but there's always art in every media. Including what will happen with VR if and when we develop it fully.

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