Tuesday, June 16, 2009

In the Beginning, I Said "Let There Be Blog," and It Was Good...

If you’re wasting enough company/class time to actually look at this shameless self-gratification of bloggery, then you’re probably the poor, socially maladjusted type who would like to know all about me. Luckily, I’m just the type of egocentric, delusional blog-writer who is more than happy to share my life, interests, and stories, thus establishing the perfect give-and-take relationship between us (that is, you unwashed insipid masses give me constant and loyal adulation, while I take the time to subject you to my narcissistic self-interested posts).

I am Nick Franz, a student at the University of Illinois. Currently, I am an English Education major; this, however, is ultimately probably not going to be what I do, seeing as I have little patience, a low tolerance for anyone not myself, absolutely no regard for the well-being of society as we know it, and a complete lack of social responsibility. As such, I will take the time out of my busy schedule of not giving a damn about the students I am supposed to be helping to provide you with links I find interesting and/or useful, inasmuch as they provide schadenfreude, or show you how pointless life really is. Quite possibly, you’ll realize that I’ve provided links that are both. Adore me for it.

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